The basic command-line invocation is the following (update the name of the jar to the latest version of this tool):
java -jar fr.lip6.move.pnml2coq-X.Y.Z.jar pathToFile [pathToAnotherFile ...]
Advanced invocation includes arguments for the JVM (tested on Mac OS 10.9):
java -d64 -server -Xmx2g -Xmn128m -XX:NewSize=2g -XX:MaxNewSize=2g -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -jar fr.lip6.move.pnml2coq-X.Y.Z.jar pathToFile [pathToAnotherFile ...]
In particular, increase the value of -Xmx argument which allocates max memory to the heap, when you are dealing with very large input PNML files. In the above invocation, it is set to 2 GB.
We provide a Shell script to help you increase productivity in using PNML to Coq Converter. In particular, the advance set of arguments for the Java VM is included (see above), that you can start with and modify to your system's settings.
For instance, the -Xmx argument allocates some max amount of memory to the heap. If you mostly deal with small PNML documents (a few hundreds KB), we advise you decrease it (current setting is 2 GB). If you use large documents, (a few hundreds MB to GB), then you should increase it in order to avoid out of memory errors.
Feel free to send us any feedback regarding your use of this tool, using the mailing list.