The general invocation command is: java -jar jar_name conversion_Kind [options] inputFile1 [inputFile2 ...] [outputFile]. Run the application with -h or --help to get help.

Required arguments

At least two arguments are expected:

  • You must specify at least one type of conversion to be performed, either -c2p (Cami to PNML) or -p2c (PNML to Cami).
  • You must also specify the path of an input file.


Here are some examples of invocation:

  • java -jar jar_name -p2c philo.pnml -o philo.cami, converts philo.pnml into explicitly named philo.cami.
  • java -jar jar_name -c2p Piscine.cami, converts Piscine.cami into implicitly named Piscine.pnml.

Increase VM heap space to handle large documents

If you want to handle large documents (up to a few hundreds MB), you should increase the available memory space for the heap. A simple way to do this is to pass the -Xmx argument to java:

  • java -Xmx7g jar_name -p2c philo.pnml -o philo.cami, allocates 7 GB max memory to the heap.

If you want to use advanced arguments for the VM, you may try the following:

  • java -d64 -server -Xmx7g -Xmn128m -XX:NewSize=2g -XX:MaxNewSize=2g -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC

    and then continue the command line as above: jar_name -p2c philo.pnml -o philo.cami

Finally, instead of the set of advanced arguments above, you may just try the following more aggressive one: -XX:+AggressiveHeap

Service result

The result is a destination file (Cami or PNML), the path of which you may have provided at the invocation. If not, the tool deduces the destination file path from the input file one.

Output messages are sent on stderr.

Editing Petri net models from PNML in Macao or Coloane

To open and edit PNML Petri Net models in Macao or Coloane, you should transform them first into Cami using Cami to PNML Converter.